5 Secrets to finding hotels in Tel Aviv at cheap prices

When we think of a perfect vacation we think of a good hotel and rest.

If staying at a hotel in Tel Aviv at a cheap price sounds like an unattainable dream to you, keep reading. Believe it or not, there are some secrets that can be used to find cheap hotels in Tel Aviv.

Hotels in Tel Aviv at cheap prices Lala Boutique Hotel

First, we’ll tell you that the best trick you can use to find cheaper rooms is not to stay in hotels on Fridays and Saturdays. Only by swapping the days off from Saturday to Sunday, will you get access to exclusive promotions and offers, thus saving you money in the process.

How to find cheap hotels in Tel Aviv?

1. Booking from the hotel website or reception – In recent years, more and more people use website like TRIP ADVISOR and BOOKING to find deals for hotels, flights, etc.

But only a few know that before each booking you make you should go to the hotel website itself and check if in the case the booking is made directly from the website or from the reception you can get a discount.

This way you can easily save yourself a few shekels and find the most worthwhile deals.

Of course, we are used to using booking, and entering the hotel’s website requires us to take unnecessary action, but do not underestimate the promotions you can get if you do so.

Boutique Hotel in Tel Aviv This | LALA a cheap hotel in Jaffa

90 Minute Deals – Apart from that we also recommend going to 90 Minute Deal Sites and there you will surely find a hotel or two that offers rooms at bargain prices at the last minute.

But if you plan in advance and go for a spontaneous vacation isn’t for you, then you should follow the tip written above.

Booking for the first time – Many websites and applications offer attractive first-time users discounts. Take advantage of this and look for different apps from which you can order. Some sites also provide your first-day stay for free when booking through them.

4. Longer stay – Hotels often prefer someone who stays longer, compared to a shorter stay. This is why they offer more discounts to people who make reservations for longer periods of time.

The reason behind this is that when someone stays for a longer period, the daily labor cost of cleaning, and replacing the sheets and other items in the room according to the customer’s needs is reduced and in return, it is offered as a discount.

5. Booking rooms in advance – it is possible to book a hotel long before the visit. The most significant advantage in this situation is the possibility of free cancellation. Although the hotel will charge you a little more for a free cancellation policy, it’s worth it in case you make the payment and then change the plan at the last minute.

Pre-booking is also an advantage for you because you can book rooms at a much cheaper rate, and also consider other hotel options.

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In conclusion

In conclusion, we want to say that although many do not believe that boutique hotels can be found at cheap prices in Tel Aviv, it is possible!

If you follow our tips, we are 100% sure that you will find exactly what you need.

We are always here for any question and we are more than happy to help you. You are always welcome to leave your details on the website or call 035100103.